Monday, September 14, 2009

Supermom is a Lie!

I was just screwing around on the computer and saw a woman on Facebook was referring to herself as "Supermom."  I found it amusing that she listed all of her to-dos and then said she was supermom.  On the list of things to-do was go to the gym.  The last time I checked, going to the gym had absolutely nothing to do with parenting.  As a matter of fact, that is something that is done for the sole purpose of bettering one's self.  I could be wrong, but I am fairly confident my son doesn't really care if my thighs are bigger than before he was born.

I also think that packing your child's lunch and making their dinner doesn't make a mom "super" because it is basically performing a mandatory duty of motherhood.  That is, feeding your children.  Cooking dinner?  Buying dinner?  Whatever, we all have to eat.  Most of the time, I would think, that even if you are cooking for one person there is typically enough left over for an elementary aged child to eat.  Well, I guess Supermoms are far too busy to eat so they could consider nutrition a favor.

These women want to say that they are awesome because they work, they go to the gym, they make lunch and dinner, and they even squeeze in date nights with their husbands.  I have to wonder when in all of these busy activities are they managing to fit in parenting?  I mean, the term "parent" means a person who brings up and cares for another.  However, I know several women who are raising children in between work and socializing and it's started to bother me how much I'm seeing kids get left at home with everyone but their parents.

I am by no means throwing stones.  After I left my son's father, I came home to mommie's house and was well taken care of, to a fault.  I spent so much time home alone with my baby that when I went to my mother's house she just wanted to help me through a difficult time.  During that time, I was going to work two nights a week and going to school four days a week.  I started going out with friends and making up for time that I spent feeling lonely with an infant.  It was my Britney phase.  If any of you know single moms, then I'm guessing you have watched as they have a good time for a few months before they return back to normal.  It can get ugly.  I was well aware that I was not being very super at that time.

Anyway, the job of being a mom or dad isn't easy for anyone, but no one can really say that they are a "supermom."  I mean, we all have our children, and our lives are what we make them.  You do what you have to do and that is what makes you human.  Honestly, the parents that I respect the most these days are the ones willing to give up the big screen tv and the two extra bedrooms and live within their means so they are able to be home and be present for the children they chose to have.  I'm no prude by any means, but it's just so sad the direction that people are taking now.  Kids are the innocent little victims in today's indulgent life style and they're going to be major pricks as adults.

So the next time you hear someone say that they are a supermom, be sure to tell them, "Bitch, you're just doing your job!"

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