We had a bit of a debate tonight and it got pretty heated for a minute there. I got so flustered that I told my mother's boyfriend he was an idiot. I don't really think that as much as I just couldn't think of any kind of reasonable argument to make my point clear to him; I really do love my dog. His theory/belief, whatever you would call it is that we, humans, are incapable of loving animals because they are inferior to us. People cannot love a Mercedes Benz, they cannot love flowers, they cannot love cashmere socks, they cannot love their beloved cats and dogs.
I feel guilty leaving Dudley home alone. Sometimes we snuggle together and I sleep in horribly uncomfortable positions so he can lay on my bed...while I have the flu. I have spent my last $20 on dog food, I buy him cheeseburgers from Wendy's, yet even after all of this, I am told that what I feel is not love. I had a boyfriend when I got Dudley and to be quite honest, I loved that puppy so much that there just wasn't enough room for loving the boyfriend anymore. The dog was better. He was more likable, more loyal, cuter, and all around better at existing.
I asked about people loving other people who may not be able to take care of themselves because they could be considered as an inferior being, but his response was that we can love anyone that is the same species just no one of an inferior species. So, if we met space aliens who were superior to us but not human could we love them? If so, then I think that would just make us pretentious assholes, which we already are so I think I win. People who own pets are thought to live longer and be less prone to depression. What about seeing eye dogs? If I were to ask a blind person if they loved their seeing eye dog I wonder if they would say yes or no. Oh, ask a police officer with a canine dog if he realizes that he doesn't love his dog. I bet that would be a really fun and healthy debate.
I'm not buying it. This is a subject that will require much more research, and, yes, mom's bf has a dog that he clearly doesn't love. I didn't win tonight's battle but I know in my heart that I am the real winner because I can love a dog. I'm just not "in love" with my dog.
First of all Lindsay, please allow me to address your mother. Andi, get rid of the smug, narcissistic,clueless boyfriend who skipped school when they taught about the value of a soul and divinity! The dog shows more class than he does, by willing to continually forgive his ignorance of the meaning of what it is like to love a LIVING BEING! If he is incapable of loving an animal who is willing to love him back un-conditionally in spite of the obnoxiousness with which he reeks - RED FLAG! (Oooo got on a good role there.) He has never truly looked in to his dog's eyes and seen what is behind them.
Lindsay, you make very good points. Here are quotes I really like which each make a statement: "Until one has loved an animal, part of their soul remains unawakened". (Boyfriend's soul is in a deep sleep - unless he's in front of a mirror.) I don't know who that author is. However, Mark Twain said: "If there are no dogs in heaven, then when I die, I want to go where they went." "If a dog will not come to you after having looked you in the face, you should go home and examine your conscience."~Woodrow Wilson. "A dog is the only thing on earth that loves you more than he loves himself."~Josh Billings. (And therein lies the boyfriend.) "Heaven goes by favor. If it went by merit, you would stay out and your dog would go in."~Mark Twain. "If you pick up a starving dog and make him prosperous, he will not bite you; that is the principal difference between a dog and a man."~Mark Twain. So now the question indeed is: "Who is superior ... the man willing to stab someone in the back to climb the career ladder - or the dog who greets him with love after he's ruined someone's life?
Yeah, your mother was right, I would be passionate about this one. No offense to your mother's taste - there must be some tiny attribute she finds acceptable in him.
Do the dog a favor and find him the good permanent home he deserves. Animals were never put on this earth to be abused or taken advantage of.
It won't take you a lot of research Lindsay - you already have the heart for it. Look in to medical research and the effects of dogs on the sick and dying. Also try a Humane Society page, Cesar Millan or just about any great philosopher! The more brilliant the person, the more value you will find that they place on their pets. The value of a dog's companionship and love were clearly found in the ancient Egyptian temples and on petroglyphs from the ancient Anasazi Indians. Just give the bf a mirror and he'll be happy - just like a little parrakeet! Uh oh! Then how could he love himself?
Didn't know you wrote! You're good at it. Keep it up!
Lisa, that was excellent and you saved me from having to do the research! Thank you and thank you.
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