So recently here in Pittsburgh we had the misfortune of a shooting spree. It was awful. A few people died and several more were injured. Very sad. Apparently, some lonely man who was socially awkward was pissed he couldn't pick up women so he decided to shoot them instead. He walked into the local gym and turned off the lights and unloaded on an aerobics class.
I am not going to get into how sad it is because it's pretty obvious that it's sad. No one really needs my commentary on grief.
Here is where it becomes irritating. Irritating to me, and disrespectful to the dead...and anyone who can hear...or read. I am a member of Facebook. Aaah, the Facebook family. What a bunch of assholes. A major disaster happened in our suburbs and every single person who owns a computer is posting their condolences and thoughts.
They are all telling each other how terrible it is that this happened and they cherish their life and family so much more today than yesterday. They are so grateful for life that instead of living it by spending time with their kids, parents, or friends or picking up a book and learning about some subject they have chosen to be ignorant about, they all are hovering in the dark over their computers.
My favorite are the people who claim they almost went to the gym that night. Oooh, you thought of going to the gym. Well, you didn't and you're alive and someone else is dead. Consider yourself a thief because you just stole the thunder of three women who are no longer alive. They were murdered and you are acting like you were one number off in the Powerball. You lucky duck, you.
Here's a news flash, jerks; we walk among murderers, rapists, child molesters, arsonists, all walks of life everyday so it really isn't a shock that you were in a room with a murderer. Leave the storytelling to the people who left the gym as he walked in, or the pregnant aerobics instructor who was shot in both shoulders. People are grieving and in shock, if you want to be respectful and were anywhere but that specific place where this happened, do everyone a favor and live your own life. Take your kids to the park, download some music, do anything but try and make it about you.
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