Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Cash Only?!

I walked into three different eating establishments today to get a few gyros after a long day at the Science Center. Science is everywhere! Anyway, I had about $15 in my account and I wanted to get lunch for my cousin so we tried a few places.

Eatery #1...I ordered the food and the woman said they didn't take debit cards. When I went to use the ATM it was increments of $20 only, plus the $1.75 fee from the business and my bank. For about a 30 second time period I willing to do it, just give away money during a recession. It felt worth it because I was buying lunch for someone else. Okay, so I tried and then I failed. I didn't have enough cash in my account. I told the people to stop making our lunch and we left.

We moved on to place #2, which was cash only again. I got pissed off. Don't worry, I wasn't mean to anyone, that's not my style. Instead, I bitched and moaned to myself for a little bit and then went somewhere that took debit cards. The best part is, I went home and grabbed some cash from my dresser and then went and picked up the food. I'm an asshole, I realize that, however, most of my actions I base on general principle so it always makes sense to me.

My beef with the cash only thing is that these "restaurants" are supposed to be there for a nice meal, convenience, and, as a patron, you are supposed to be taken care of. At least that's the way I think, but maybe that's because I was a waitress for 15 years...off and on.

I don't think I am going to support cash only businesses any longer. I don't think that as the consumer I should be responsible for paying the fee for the private ATM. That would be in exchange for the owner just paying their Visa/Mastercard bills because they are the business owner. Instead, these people want you to come in and pay for your meal/drinks, tip, and pay them a $2.00 ATM fee because they are cash only.

I have never minded paying for overpriced food and drinks because I always thought I was paying for the ambiance. What kind of ambiance is taking dirty money from a bulky ATM machine sitting next to someone eating their lunch and paying a fee for tacky business sense? Uuugh...that's it. You might as well bus your own table while you're at it. You are supporting and encouraging white trash. Enjoy!

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